Warning: Use of undefined constant category - assumed 'category' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 24

Warning: Use of undefined constant payment_type - assumed 'payment_type' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 25

Warning: Use of undefined constant sex - assumed 'sex' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 26

Warning: Use of undefined constant ranking - assumed 'ranking' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 27

Warning: Use of undefined constant category_comment - assumed 'category_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 114

Warning: Use of undefined constant category_comment - assumed 'category_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 114

Warning: Use of undefined constant category_comment - assumed 'category_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 114

Warning: Use of undefined constant category_comment - assumed 'category_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 114

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 127

Warning: mysql_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be resource, bool given in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 141

Warning: Use of undefined constant ranking_comment - assumed 'ranking_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 159

Warning: Use of undefined constant ranking_comment - assumed 'ranking_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 159

Warning: Use of undefined constant ranking_comment - assumed 'ranking_comment' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 159

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177

Warning: Use of undefined constant comment_stamp - assumed 'comment_stamp' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in /virtual/satelite/public_html/www.koikatsu.org/include.php on line 177
最近の出会い系 - 婚活サイトのランキング・口コミ・比較【まちがいない出会いナビ】
トップ | 婚活サイト比較 | 結婚相談所 | パーティー比較
今年も相変わらずの悪徳サイトが乱立と閉鎖を繰り返し、スパムメールを大量に送りつけてくる一年でした。 今年の大きな変化といえば、「お金あげます」、「私はジャニーズのマネージャーです」 などといった出会いには関係の無い誘導が増えてました
あとはスマートフォンが大きく浸透し、それを目に付けた業者が、メアドをコピーして しまうアプリなんてのも登場しました。 いままでは自分のアドレスのみが被害だったのに、周りにまで迷惑を掛けてしまう携帯ウィルス時代がやってきました。
またfacebook が大きく会員数を伸ばし、facebook上での婚活サイトなんてのも登場しましたね。 しかしfacebookなら本人以外いないなんて、約束も過去の話、facebookで話かけてくる女性の ほとんど誘導業者という実態。

しかし今年はマイナスなことだけではありません。出会い系初のサクラサイト詐欺容疑での摘発もありました。 これまで、脱税などの別件で逮捕はありましたが、サクラのバイト君も含め詐欺容疑(とても刑罰が重い) で逮捕されたのは初めてです。

また今年は出会い系がらみでの裁判、返金命令も多かった年です。それにあやかり、詐欺じみた興信所も「出会い系サイトの支払いを返金できます」 なんて広告を見かけたはずです。また弁護士に相談しても、返金額の40%近くを報酬なんて書いてあります。


まさに脱出会い系、完全詐欺サイトの乱立となるでしょう。 そして「お金あげますよ」は既に古く「体調が悪いから助けて」など人の良心に漬け込むメールにシフト しています。